Thursday, August 24, 2017

How To Create and Maintain a Travel Blog

I started blogging since I was 16. Back then, blogging is just about sharing a personal story online. You also have the liberty to show your true identity or hide under a pseudonym. Like a diary, it allows you to express your thoughts. It's fulfilling, liberating, and most of all, it's a breath of fresh air. Over the years, blogging has evolved into something that no one can imagine. A number of brands have started to collaborate with bloggers. Blogs have developed to several niches - personal, entertainment, beauty, technology, lifestyle, food, and travel.

Now, a lot of people have asked how I made and maintained this travel blog.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Hit Me Taipei One More Time: Exploring Taipei in 48 Hours

I can still remember the moment when I first arrived here - the sleek airport terminal, the way the cold and crisp February wind caressed my face, and the vast network of highways.

Taipei. Large, flat, bold, full of life, and often forgotten. Taipei is a city that rarely comes up in any relevant top ten travel list. The city is usually seen as a not-so-Chinese island hiding behind the shadow of its step brother, Hong Kong. Armed with only one camera and sheer determination, we set foot to Asia’s underrated city to disprove these rumors circulating around this capital city.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How to plan the ultimate visit to Florida

The number and range of exciting attractions in the US state of Florida are... well, to put it simply, massive. However, given the time it might take you to travel to it in the first place, you might like the idea of arranging an "ultimate" visit; in other words, a stay that takes in as many different major attractions as possible. Planning this can be much easier said than done, but it's still possible.