Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Staying safe on the road – your guide to driving during the coronavirus pandemic

We're all familiar with the devastating impact of Covid-19 as it's spread across the world. Now, even the simplest of tasks such as shopping and driving from A to B seems much more complicated and worrying than before.

Now that some restrictions are becoming a little relaxed, more of us will be getting into our cars this weekend for a much-needed drive and a change of scenery. And if you’re someone who drives for a living, you may be eager to hit the road once again and enjoy a sense of normality – if you’re injured at work, including whilst driving for your employer, contact a workers compensation lawyer in Georgia. 

However, despite our eagerness to enjoy the simpler things in life, such as driving and travel, we still need to exercise caution and common sense. Here I’ve compiled some simple ways you can stay safe on the road during the coronavirus pandemic.

Keep a bottle of sanitizer in your car

If you want to avoid contaminating the inside of your vehicle and all those buttons, levers, switches, and dials then keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer in your vehicle is a must. If stocks at your local shop are low, then consider making your own.

Be wary of filling up 

When was the last time you had to visit the fuel station? A long time I’ll bet! Before you fall into old habits, remember that things are a little different now, so be wary of what you’re touching and follow any social distancing rules that are in place. If there are any, use the gloves that have been provided and dispose of them afterward. Avoiding touching your face and wash or sanitize your hands as soon as possible.

Disinfect your car regularly 

If you've been out for the day, been to the shop, the fuel pump, etc then you need to get into the habit of disinfecting the inside of your vehicle regularly. Seatbelts and their clips, armrests, buttons, and everything on your dashboard, even your mirrors!

Ask other passengers to do the same

If you’re traveling with members of your household, ensure that they’re following the same rules. If they get out of the car and head into the store, get them to clean their hands with gel or wipes before they get back in the vehicle.

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