Now, the battle has just begun. After my short vacation in Davao last week... Oh wait, it wasn't really a vacation per se since I was soooo busy reviewing for our final examssss. Honestly, I did not expect that it would be THAT hard.
The Air Traffic Service training is not a joke. I always thought that the life of being a UP student was the most difficult stage that I have ever experienced. But no, I was wrong. This training is actually harder than my UP Life. Walang sinabi ang pagiging Isko ko. But truth be told, it was still a fun experience. In fact, I still enjoy studying with my new found friends!
Being an Air Traffic Controller has been my dream ever since. I know the responsibility of being one is really big. Doctors may save lives one at a time, but thousands of lives depend on the precision and accuracy of air traffic controllers every single day. And a single mistake could be deadly.
Well, we still have lot of things to learn about expediting flights in a safe and orderly manner.
Wow nice job! Goodluck with that! =)